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Symposium—In the Media, A Woman’s Place
Media Studies Journal
  • Ted Pease, Utah State University
Document Type
Freedom Forum
Publication Date

FOR WOMEN AND THE MEDIA, 1992 was a year of sometimes painful change-the aftermath of the Anita HillClarence Thomas hearings; the public spectacle of a vice president's squabble with a fictional TV character; Hillary Rodham Clinton's attempt to redefine the role of the political wife; election of women to Congress and to state offices in unprecedented numbers.


Originally published by the Freedom Forum in Media Studies Journal.

PDF available for download.

Citation Information
Edward C. Pease. “Symposium—In the Media, A Woman’s Place.” In “The Media and Women Without Apology,” Media Studies Journal. Vol. 7, Nos. 1-2. (Winter/Spring 1993). pp. 49-57.