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Effects of Long-Term Denervation on Skeletal Muscle in Old Rats
Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences (2002)
  • Bruce M. Carlson, University of Michigan Medical School
  • Andrei B. Borisov, University of Michigan Medical School
  • Eduard I. Dedkov, University of Michigan Medical School
  • Abdelnaby Khalyfa, University of Michigan
  • Tatiana Y. Kostrominova, University of Michigan Medical School
  • Peter C. D. Macpherson, University of Michigan Medical School
  • Eugenia Wang, University of Michigan
  • John A. Faulkner, University of Michigan Medical School
We compared the reactions to denervation of limb muscles between young adult and old rats. After denervation for up to 4 months in 24-month-old rats, limb muscles were removed and analyzed for contractile properties, morphology, and levels of several key molecules, including the peptide elongation factors eEF1A-1 and eEF1A-2/S1, myogenin, gamma-subunit of the acetylcholine receptor, and cyclin D3. The principal difference between denervated old and young muscle is a somewhat slower rate of atrophy in denervated older muscle, especially among the type II fibers. Expression levels of certain molecules were higher in old than in young control muscle, but after denervation, levels of these molecules increased to the same absolute values in both young and old rats. Although many aspects of postdenervation reactions do not differ greatly between young and old animals, the lesser degree of atrophy in the old rats may reflect significant age-based mechanisms.
  • skeletal muscle,
  • aging,
  • denervation
Publication Date
October 1, 2002
Citation Information
Bruce M. Carlson, Andrei B. Borisov, Eduard I. Dedkov, Abdelnaby Khalyfa, et al.. "Effects of Long-Term Denervation on Skeletal Muscle in Old Rats" Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences Vol. 57 Iss. 10 (2002) p. B366 - B374
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