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Unpublished Paper
Balanced Configurations of Lattice Vectors and GKZ-rational Toric Fourfolds in P^6
  • Eduardo Cattani, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Alicia Dickenstein, University of Buenos Aires
We introduce a notion of balanced configurations of vectors. This is motivated by the study of rational A-hypergeometric functions in the sense of Gelfand, Kapranov and Zelevinsky. We classify balanced configurations of seven plane vectors up to GL(2,R)-equivalence and deduce that the only gkz-rational toric four-folds in P6 are those varieties associated with an essential Cayley configuration. We show that in this case, all rational A-hypergeometric functions may be described in terms of toric residues. This follows from studying a suitable hyperplane arrangement.
Publication Date
March 6, 2003
Pre-published version downloaded from archive arXiv. The Published version is located at
Citation Information
Eduardo Cattani and Alicia Dickenstein. "Balanced Configurations of Lattice Vectors and GKZ-rational Toric Fourfolds in P^6" (2003)
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