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ZiFiT (Zinc Finger Targeter): an updated zinc finger engineering tool
Nucleic Acids Research
  • Jeffry D. Sander, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Morgan L. Maeder, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Deepak Reyon, Iowa State University
  • Daniel F. Voytas, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
  • J. Keith Joung, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Drena Dobbs, Iowa State University
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Publication Version
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ZiFiT (Zinc Finger Targeter) is a simple and intuitive web-based tool that provides an interface to identify potential binding sites for engineered zinc finger proteins (ZFPs) in user-supplied DNA sequences. In this updated version, ZiFiT identifies potential sites for ZFPs made by both the modular assembly and OPEN engineering methods. In addition, ZiFiT now integrates additional tools and resources including scoring schemes for modular assembly, an interface with the Zinc Finger Database (ZiFDB) of engineered ZFPs, and direct querying of NCBI BLAST servers for identifying potential off-target sites within a host genome. Taken together, these features facilitate design of ZFPs using reagents made available to the academic research community by the Zinc Finger Consortium. ZiFiT is freely available on the web without registration at


This article is from Nucleic Acids Research 38 (2010): W462, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkq319. Posted with permission.

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Citation Information
Jeffry D. Sander, Morgan L. Maeder, Deepak Reyon, Daniel F. Voytas, et al.. "ZiFiT (Zinc Finger Targeter): an updated zinc finger engineering tool" Nucleic Acids Research Vol. 38 (2010) p. W462 - W468
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