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Self-Presentation and Group Influence
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology (2004)
  • Albert V. Carron, University of Western Ontario
  • Shauna Burke, University of Western Ontario
  • Harry Prapavessis, University of Western Ontario

One purpose of this article is to discuss the influence that others present (coactors or other group members) has on an individual's self-presentation behavior. A second purpose is to outline possible future directions in research. Discussion associated with the former is subdivided into three main sections. In the first section, implications for self-presentation from group dynamics research from a number of areas (social loafing, self-handicapping, attributions for responsibility, social facilitation, and conformity behavior) are discussed. The second section addresses the question, Does the presence of participating others (coactors, fellow group members) help to alleviate some of the social anxiety that arises from self-presentation concerns? In the third section, the question of why the presence of coactors or fellow group members might contribute to reducing social anxiety is examined. Finally, possible future directions are introduced and discussed in a final section.

Publication Date
Citation Information
Albert V. Carron, Shauna Burke and Harry Prapavessis. "Self-Presentation and Group Influence" Journal of Applied Sport Psychology Vol. 16 Iss. 1 (2004)
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