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Synthesis and Photochemistry of Tertiary Amine Photobase Generators
Chemistry of Materials
  • James E. Hanson
  • Kathryn H. Jensen
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Publication Date
American Chemical Society

A family of tertiary amine photobase generators have been prepared and studied. The compounds investigated were quaternary ammonium salts of benzhydrylamine (aminodiphenylmethane) and 9-aminofluorene. The compounds were prepared by the following methods: methylation of the benzhydryl or fluorenyl amines; reaction of a tertiary amine with 9-bromofluorene; and reaction of a primary or secondary amine with 9-bromofluorene followed by exhaustive methylation. Alkylation was limited to methylation in the benzhydryl system, as larger alkyl groups would not react. This appears to be a result of steric hindrance. The fluorenyl system allowed for a wider variation in the synthesis of tertiary amine photobase generators. Examination of the solution photochemistry by NMR spectroscopy supported a heterolytic mechanism for photodecomposition.

Citation Information
ames E. Hanson and Kathryn H. Jensen. "Synthesis and Photochemistry of Tertiary Amine Photobase Generators" Chemistry of Materials 14 (2002): 918-923.