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Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Environmental/Economic Power Dispatch
Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assuit University, Egypt, Vol. 38, No. 3, 2010, ISSN 1687-0530. (2010)
  • Dr. Adel A. Elbaset, Minia University
الملخص العربي من أهم القضايا التي تهم العاملين في مجال البيئه في هذه الاّونه هي قضيه تقليل الأنبعثات الملوثه من كافه المصادر. يقدم هذا البحث طريقه جديده لتغذيه الأحمال وتوزيعها بين وحدات التوليد الكهربائيه المختلفه بطريقه إقتصاديه أخذين في الأعتبار تقليل الأنبعاثات الملوثه الصادره من وحدات التوليد التي تعمل بالوقود الأحفوري. مسأله أخذ تأثير الأنبعاثات الملوثه وإقتصاديات التشغيل علي توزيع الأحمال عبارة عن مساله مثاليه غير خطيه متعددة القيود والأهداف تم تحويلها إلي داله ذات هدف واحد عن طريق معامل العقوبه (Penalty factor) . يقدم هذا البحث طريقه للحل تعتمد علي نموذج رياضي باستخدام طريقة الحساب الجيني المختلط (Hybrid Genetic Algorithm ). الطريقه المقترحه طبقت علي الشبكه الكهربائيه القياسيه IEEE 30 bus وأوضحت النتائج مدي فاعليه الطريقه المقترحه بعد ان تم مقارنتها مع نتائج الطرق التقليديه. English Abstract Abstract:- The conventional economic power dispatch is a non-linear optimization problem with several constraints. The environmental issues concerning the pollutant emissions produced by fossil based thermal generating units became a matter of concern in recent years. Accordingly, minimization of emissions by dispatch of power generation is very desirable. The problem is how to supply all electrical loads at minimum cost taking the environmental issues into account (minimum pollution) . Environmental/Economic dispatch is a multi-objective problem treats economic and pollutant emissions. This multi-objective problem is converted into single objective function using a modified price penalty factor approach to calculate environmental /economic power dispatch problem. A commonly used technique to solve this problem is to apply genetic algorithm to a small number of generations to get near optimum economic solution for the power system dispatch. This paper presents an application of hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) to achieve an optimal solution for the Combined Economic Emission Dispatch problem (CEED). The optimum solution obtained by the proposed technique is faster and more efficient than that obtained by using both the Conventional Optimization methods (CM) and simple Genetic Algorithm (GA). The proposed algorithm is tested on standard IEEE 30-bus model system. Keywords:- Optimization, GA, HGA, power Dispatch
  • Hybrid Genetic Algorithm,
  • optimization problem
Publication Date
Spring June 16, 2010
Citation Information
Dr. Adel A. Elbaset. "Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Environmental/Economic Power Dispatch" Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assuit University, Egypt, Vol. 38, No. 3, 2010, ISSN 1687-0530. Vol. Vol. 38, (2010)
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