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Fluid Fertilizer’s Role in Sustaining Soils used for Bio-fuels Production
United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service / University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Faculty Publications
  • John L. Kovar, USDA-ARS
  • Douglas Karlen, USDA-ARS
Date of this Version

National Soil Tilth Laboratory, 2009,


Project Objectives:

1)To evaluate several S sources for corn grown on low organic matter soils
2)To investigate nutrient dynamics in a comprehensive tillage, nutrient management, and residue removal study.

Sulfur Response: Site Characteristics

• Eroded side slopes

• Loam/silt loam (Typic Haplaquolls)

• Corn after soybean

• N fertilizer applied at planting + spoke-whee UAN (155 lb N/A)

• Corn (Fontanelle 4693 planted 5/6/08, 32K plants/A

S Fertilizer Treatments


30 lb S/A; 13-33-0-15S; 2x3

30 lb S/A; 21-0-0-24S; 2x3

30 lb S/A; 12-0-0-26S; 2x0

Citation Information
John L. Kovar and Douglas Karlen. "Fluid Fertilizer’s Role in Sustaining Soils used for Bio-fuels Production" (2009)
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