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Electromagnetic Transmit Array with Optical Control for Beamforming
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
  • Wei Zhang
  • Javad Meiguni
  • Yin Sun
  • Muqi Ouyang
  • Xin Yan
  • Xu Wang
  • Reza Yazdani
  • Daryl G. Beetner, Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • DongHyun Kim, Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • David Pommerenke

This Proof-Of-Concept Paper Demonstrates the Feasibility of using a Slide Projector to Steer the Beam of a Transmit Array by Adding Solar Cells and Varactor Diodes to Each Unit Cell. by Irradiating Each Solar Cell with the Light of Different Intensities from a Slide Projector, the Measured Phase of the Wave Transmitted by the 4x4 Transmit Array Shifts within 92° at 4.26 GHz, While the Variation in Magnitude is Measured within 4 DB. Different Light Configurations Are Identified Via a Searching Algorithm to Achieve Peak/null Beamforming in a Particular Direction. the Beam of the Prototypical 4x4 Transmit Array Can Be Shifted by ±24° in Terms of the Peaks and -30° to 36° in Terms of the Nulls. the Concept of Adding Light Modulation to the Transmit Array with a Slide Projector Can Provide Update Rates of 10s of Milliseconds with Control of Brightness and Color Distributed over a Large Area of the Array.

Electrical and Computer Engineering
Publication Status
Early Access
Keywords and Phrases
  • Beamforming,
  • Capacitance,
  • light modulation,
  • Microstrip,
  • Microstrip antennas,
  • Phase shifters,
  • Phased arrays,
  • Photovoltaic cells,
  • reconfigurable slide projector,
  • transmit array,
  • varactor diodes,
  • Varactors
Document Type
Article - Journal
Document Version
File Type
© 2023 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Publication Date
01 Jan 2023
Citation Information
Wei Zhang, Javad Meiguni, Yin Sun, Muqi Ouyang, et al.. "Electromagnetic Transmit Array with Optical Control for Beamforming" IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (2023) ISSN: 1558-2221; 0018-926X
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