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Effect of Packaging and Antioxidant Combinations on Physicochemical Properties of Irradiated Restructured Chicken Rolls
Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources
  • Dong-Gyun Yim, Jinju Health College
  • Dong U. Ahn, Iowa State University
  • Ki-Chang Nam, Sunchon National University
Document Type
Publication Version
Published Version
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Effects of double packaging (combinational use of aerobic and vacuum conditions) and antioxidants on physicochemical properties in irradiated restructured chicken rolls were determined. Chicken breast treated with antioxidants (none, sesamol+a-tocopherol) was used to process restructured chicken breast rolls. The sliced rolls were vacuum, aerobic, or double packaged (vacuum for 7 d then aerobic for 3 d) and electron beam irradiated at 2.5 kGy. Color, 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), oxidation reduction potentials (ORP), and volatile profiles of the samples were determined at 0 and 10 d. Irradiation made restructured chicken rolls redder (p<0.05), and the increased redness was more distinct in irradiated vacuum-packaged than irradiated aerobic or double packaged meats. TBARS values of antioxidant-treated double packaged rolls were lower than even nonirradiated vacuum-packaged meat, and those were distinct at 10 d (p<0.05). ORP and lipid oxidation values were lower in irradiated vacuum and double packaged samples than those in irradiated aerobic packaged ones at 0 d (p<0.05). Irradiation of restructured chicken rolls increased the amount of total volatiles. Considerable amounts of off-odor volatiles were reduced or not detected by double packaging and antioxidant treatment at 10 d. Therefore, the combined use of antioxidants and double packaging would be useful to reduce redness and control the oxidative quality changes of irradiated restructured chicken rolls.


This article is published as Yim, Dong-Gyun, Dong U. Ahn, and Ki-Chang Nam. "Effect of packaging and antioxidant combinations on physicochemical properties of irradiated restructured chicken rolls." Korean journal for food science of animal resources 35, no. 2 (2015): 248. doi:10.5851/kosfa.2015.35.2.248.

Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
Copyright Owner
Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources
File Format
Citation Information
Dong-Gyun Yim, Dong U. Ahn and Ki-Chang Nam. "Effect of Packaging and Antioxidant Combinations on Physicochemical Properties of Irradiated Restructured Chicken Rolls" Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources Vol. 35 Iss. 2 (2015) p. 248 - 257
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