Popular Press
‘My Brother’s Keeper’: A Lesson from Marc Lamont Hill
Diverse Issues in Higher Education
While scalable, data-driven recommendations are indeed necessary to support young men of color, last summer Dr. Marc Lamont Hill displayed the meaning of “my brother’s keeper” in a complementary way. Hill left Columbia University, an Ivy League institution, and returned to Morehouse College, an all-male historically Black institution in Atlanta, Georgia, where he left after his first year of college. Hill’s return to Morehouse reinforces the importance of men of color as mentors, role models, educators, and partners in helping boys and young men of color succeed.
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Citation Information
Mitchell, D., Jr., & Hilton, A. (2015, October 4). ‘My brother’s keeper’: A lesson from Marc Lamont Hill [Web log post]. Available at http://diverseeducation.com/article/78148/