Popular Press
Community Colleges Embracing Retention Initiative for Men of Color by Focusing on Others
Huffington Post
National attention on issues facing boys and men of color has been elevated in the wake of My Brother's Keeper, President Obama's initiative to improve life outcomes for boys and men of color in the United States. Accentuated by pervasive coverage of the Black Lives Matter movement, discussions on challenges and solutions regarding the educational and professional realities of boys and men of color are now mainstream conversations. Concerns regarding the opportunities for boys and men of color are longstanding amongst educators across the pipeline. Across the nation, schools and colleges are engaged in interventions focused on helping boys and men of color succeed educationally. In community colleges, where the vast majority of college men of color are enrolled, the presence of minority male initiatives is universal. However, these programs often serve a small number of men of color.
- Community colleges,
- men of color
Publication Date
Citation Information
Hilton, A., Mitchell, D., Jr., Charleston, L. (2015, September 16). Community colleges embracing retention initiative for men of color by focusing on others [Web log post]. Available at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-adriel-a-hilton/community-colleges-embrac_b_8143184.html