Too often, scholarship regarding the concept of race in the United States is absent from top-tier journals across fields. Yet, at some institutions, faculty, including scholars who explore race, are required to publish in top-tier journals to secure tenure. This article highlights the extent to which journals—of all tiers—within the field of higher education publish articles explicitly highlighting race in the study. The authors used Bray and Major’s article, “Status of Journals in the Field of Higher Education” as the data source for the sample. Using a systematic approach, the authors surveyed journals in the field of higher education to determine the percentage of studies that explicitly focused on race for each of the journals included, using a three-year timeframe. The authors found that individual journals labeled as “top tier mentions” published 14-21% of articles on race. The remainder of the journals included in the study published anywhere from 0-7% of their articles on race. Implications for practice—particularly for tenure-track faculty who consider themselves scholars who explore race—and future research are discussed.
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Available at: http://works.bepress.com/donaldmitchelljr/141/