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Detección De Hongos Entomophthorales Patógenos a Insect Fitófagos, Al Sur De Bahia, Brasil
  • Saúl E. M. Sánchez
  • Adriano L. Freitas
  • Donald W. Roberts, Utah State University
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This research characterizes the morphological and taxonomic recognition of genera and species associated withEntomophthoromicosis, as well as enzootic and epizootic studies and the fungi’s interaction with populations of herbivorous insectson agricultural crops and in natural pasture in southern state of Bahia. Field investigations observed the distribution and naturalincidence of the Entomophthorales. The biological material passed through macro-, and microscopic laboratory processes. Thepartial results are very promising, showing the presence of two genera of agricultural importance (Batkoa and Conidiobolus). Moredetailed studies are continuing in the Entomology Laboratory of the Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC, in Ilhéus,Bahi

Citation Information
Sanchez, S.E.M., A. L. Freitas and D.W. Roberts. 2001 Detección de hongos Entomophthorales patógenos a insect fitófagos, al sur de Bahia, Brasil. Entomotropica (formerly Boletin de Entomologia Venezolana). 16(3): 203-206