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Session C-3: Epidemiology
Professional Learning Day
  • Don Dosch, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Crystal Randall, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Session Number
NOTE: This session is 2hr 15 min
Grade Level
Science, Grade Levels: 9-10
Start Date
27-2-2015 9:15 AM
End Date
27-2-2015 11:30 AM

Epidemiology, the study of factors influencing the spread of communicable disease, has become a broadly discussed topic given the recent Ebola virus outbreak in western Africa. Participants in this session will work in the lab to model epidemiology and examine the results through a simple ELISA assay. We will discuss how to use data to identify original patients. Further, we will look at some in-class activities that highlight some well-established case studies in epidemiology (NGSS ESS3.A and LS2.C).

Citation Information
Don Dosch and Crystal Randall. "Session C-3: Epidemiology" (2015)
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