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Net Burdens of Carbon Policy Vary within Each Income Group — and within Each Nation
CESifo Forum 5 (2021)
  • Don Fullerton
Most studies of the distributional effects of climate policy are about the “vertical” distribution of burdens up and down the income scale, especially comparing low- and high-income households within the US or Europe. Other studies measure the likely distribution of burdens from global carbon agreements, especially comparing low- and high-income nations. In contrast, very few studies measure “horizontal” effects within each income group. Domestic climate policy will likely impose greater burdens on families with greater need for heat and air conditioning, compared to other families at the same income level in locations with less temperature variation.
Publication Date
September, 2021
Citation Information
Don Fullerton. "Net Burdens of Carbon Policy Vary within Each Income Group — and within Each Nation" CESifo Forum 5 (2021)
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