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Contribution to Book
Distributional Aspects of Energy and Climate Policies (2013)
  • Don Fullerton, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Mark Cohen, Vanderbilt University
  • Robert Topel, University of Chicago
We introduce and summarize the ten chapters of the 2013 book we edited called "Distributional Aspects of Energy and Climate Policies". In particular, the chapters examine policies that would “price” carbon emissions or otherwise seek to mitigate anthropogenic climate change. We interpret “distributional” fairly broadly, to include impacts of pending or possible legislation on the living standards of households across the U.S. income distribution and across geographic areas, as well as international differences in the costs and benefits of climate policies that would affect countries’ willingness to participate in harmonized international agreements.
Publication Date
M. Cohen, D. Fullerton, and R. Topel
Edward Elgar Publishers
Citation Information
Don Fullerton, Mark Cohen and Robert Topel. "Introduction" Distributional Aspects of Energy and Climate Policies (2013)
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