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ADAM 13: A Novel ADAM Expressed in Somitic Mesoderm and Neural Crest Cells during Xenopus laevis Development
Developmental Biology (1997)
  • Dominique Alfandari, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • T.G. Wolfsberg
  • J.M. White
  • D.W. DeSimone

Embryonic development involves a series of cell adhesive interactions that provide mechanical and instructive information required for morphogenesis. The ADAMs family of membrane-anchored proteins, containinga disintegrinandmetalloprotease domain, is well suited for participating in such developmental events. They encode not only a potential adhesive function, through an integrin-binding disintegrin domain, but also a potential antiadhesive function, through a zinc-dependent metalloprotease domain. In order to investigate the role of ADAMs in early development we cloned a cDNA encoding a novel member of the ADAM family from aXenopus laevisneurula stage library. We call this cDNA, and the 915-amino-acid protein it encodes, ADAM 13. X-ADAM 13 RNA is expressed during embryogenesis from the midblastula stage through tadpole stage 45. X-ADAM 13 is localized to somitic mesoderm and cranial neural crest cells during gastrulation, neurulation, and in tail bud stages. Sequence analyses of the X-ADAM 13 metalloprotease and disintegrin domains indicate that the protein is likely to be involved in both proteolytic and cell-adhesive functions. The X-ADAM 13 sequence is most closely related to that of mouse meltrin α, which is implicated in myoblast fusion. Our data suggest that X-ADAM 13 may be involved in neural crest cell adhesion and migration as well as myoblast differentiation.

Publication Date
February 15, 1997
Publisher Statement
Citation Information
Dominique Alfandari, T.G. Wolfsberg, J.M. White and D.W. DeSimone. "ADAM 13: A Novel ADAM Expressed in Somitic Mesoderm and Neural Crest Cells during Xenopus laevis Development" Developmental Biology Vol. 182 Iss. 2 (1997)
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