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Non-Audit Services and Knowledge Spillovers: Evidence from New Zealand
Faculty Articles
  • W. Robert Knechel, University of Florida
  • Divesh Sharma, Kennesaw State University
  • Vineeta Sharma, Kennesaw State University
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New Zealand provides a natural laboratory to test whether knowledge spillovers arise from auditor-provided non-audit services. Unlike prior research, we do not assume constant audit quality but first test whether audit quality varies with auditor-provided non-audit services and audit efficiency. Results show that higher non-audit fees paid to the auditor in conjunction with shorter audit lag does not reduce the quality of the audit. Results reveal a negative association between non-audit fees and audit lag, thus suggesting the presence of knowledge spillovers. However, the knowledge spillover effect is limited to the city office providing both the audit and non-audit services.

Citation Information
Knechel, W. Robert, Divesh S. Sharma, and Vineeta D. Sharma. "Non-Audit Services and Knowledge Spillovers: Evidence from New Zealand." Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 39.1-2 (2012): 60-81. Print.