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Diverse Perspectives on Adult Education and Lifelong Learning
  • Catharine M Dishke Hondzel, Western University

Adult learning is a broad field of inquiry spanning a diverse range of topics, issues, and applications. As part of the course work for the graduate class in adult education and lifelong learning at Western University the contributing authors were asked to pick a topic related to adult learning that they found personally meaningful and write a chapter on that topic so that others could learn about it and use the knowledge to improve their practice. Within this volume you will find a number of different perspectives on adult education and lifelong learning. Unifying each chapter is a connection to the varying needs and experiences of adult learners, as well as recognition of the role that emotions and context play in effective learning experiences.

  • Adult learning,
  • education,
  • applications
Publication Date
Fall 2013
Catharine Dishke Hondzel
CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Citation Information
Dishke Hondzel, C. (Ed.) (2013). Diverse Perspectives on Adult Education and Lifelong Learning. London, ON: CreateSpace Independent Publishing. Available on Amazon