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Women's Soccer Shows How Far We've Come Since Title IX - and What Battles Remain
The Conversation
  • Dionne L. Koller, University of Baltimore School of Law
Document Type
Blog Post
Publication Date

Five members of the women’s national soccer team recently filed a complaint alleging the sport’s governing body in the U.S. violated the Equal Pay Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act by paying them less than the men.

In their complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the women detail how their pay and benefits are far less generous than the men’s. And, as if that wasn’t enough, the women point out that this low pay and unequal treatment has occurred despite the fact that they are without question far more successful than the men.

Whether the women legally prevail, simply raising the issue could have a powerful impact on changing the culture that has allowed this pay discrepancy to fester. The case shows just how far we’ve come since 1972, when Title IX began the long battle to even the playing field for men and women in sports.

Citation Information
Dionne Koller, Women's Soccer Shows How Farr We've Come Back Since Title IX - and What Battles Remain, The Conversation (Apr. 8, 2016, 5:33 AM),