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Health sciences libraries
Maine Policy Review
  • Susan Bloomfield, Southern Maine Medical Center
  • Deborah Clark, Western Maine Healthcare
  • Dina McKelvy, Maine Medical Center
  • Lucinda White
Document Type
Publication Date
Library & Knowledge Services

Maine’s health care institutions, like those around the nation, have made many changes in the past several decades to adapt to the shifting health care environment. Service models have switched emphasis from inpatient to outpatient, with many hospitals building and staffing new types of outpatient facilities. Inpatients are sicker and lengths of stay are shorter, with declining reimbursement. Technological advances continue at an ever-increasing pace, with institutions needing to stay ahead of the curve to remain competitive in the market and deliver safe and effective patient care.

Citation Information
Susan Bloomfield, Deborah Clark, Dina McKelvy and Lucinda White. "Health sciences libraries" Maine Policy Review Vol. 22 Iss. 1 (2013) p. 80 - 84
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