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Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling: The Ongoing COOL Debate Continues in Kearney
Cornhusker Economics
  • Wendy Umberger, Colorado State University
  • Darrell R. Mark, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • Dillon Feuz, Panhandle Research and Extension Center, Scottsbluff NE
Date of this Version
Published in Cornhusker Economics, 05/21/2003. Produced by the Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

The ongoing debate over mandatory country-of-origin labeling (COOL) continues, despite COOL being passed as part of the 2002 Farm Bill and plans for it to become a mandatory program on September 30, 2004. As the discussion surrounding COOL intensifies, it is clear that there is still much contention regarding implementation of the mandatory COOL provisions.

Citation Information
Wendy Umberger, Darrell R. Mark and Dillon Feuz. "Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling: The Ongoing COOL Debate Continues in Kearney" (2003)
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