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Impact of Hulling and Heat Treatment on the Physicochemical Properties, Bioactivity and Bioavailability of Iron and Zinc of the G196 Soybean Variety Produced in Burkina Faso
Journal of Food Research (2024)
  • Elisabeth R. Ouedraogo
  • Raymond Poussian BARRY
  • Anderson F. KONKOBO
  • Sandrine ZONGO
  • Noëlle Edwige Roamba
  • Pr Mamoudou H. DICKO
This study delved into the impact of hulling and two types of heat treatment on the physicochemical, bioactive
properties and bioavailability of the G196 soybean produced in Burkina, in order to not only find the optimal
conditions for pre treatment of seed, but also to guide their use in food formula tions . Standard analytical
methods were used for physicochemical and biochemical analyses. The results show ed an increase in ash content
by 0.04% as a result of seed shelling , while steaming led to a significant decrease in ash with a reduction rate by
0.06%; 0.08%; 0.25% after 20min, 40min and one hour , respectively . An average increase in total dry materials
by 0.03% and reduction in moisture by 6.33% w ere observed after one hour of roasting . Additionally, shelling
and steaming increased total carbohydrate contents. Roasting and steaming caused a significant reduction in
protein, but an increase was observed after hulling. Carbohydrate levels decreased over the course of three
roasting times. Regarding bioavailability, the zinc content improved after 40 minutes of roasting. Shelling also
reduced the phytate content by 11.89%, while steaming significantly reduced the phytate resulting in a drop in
the phytate content by 17.18%; 18.02% and 19.71% after twenty, forty minutes and one hour respectively. A
significant reduction in phytate content by 26.64% after 40 minutes, and 46.46% after one hour was observed
during heat treatment by roasting.
  • soybeans,
  • hul ling,
  • steam cooking,
  • roasting,
  • physicochemical properties,
  • bioavailability,
  • food quality,
  • Burkina Faso
Publication Date
Fall January 15, 2024
URL: 10.5539/ jfr.v13n2p19
Citation Information
Elisabeth R. Ouedraogo, Raymond Poussian BARRY, Salamata TIENDREBEOGO, Anderson F. KONKOBO, et al.. "Impact of Hulling and Heat Treatment on the Physicochemical Properties, Bioactivity and Bioavailability of Iron and Zinc of the G196 Soybean Variety Produced in Burkina Faso" Journal of Food Research Vol. 13 Iss. 2 (2024) p. 19 - 32
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