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Effect of Heat Treatment on The Nutritional characteristics of Cashew Kernels (Anacardium Occidentale L.) from three Localities in Burkina Faso
Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science (2023)
  • Edwige Bahanla OBOULBIGA
  • Laurencia Toulsoumde Songre-Ouattara
  • Windmi Kagambega
  • Mamoudou H. DICKO, Prof.
 Cashew kernels (Anacardium occidentale L.) have enormous nutritional and health potential. However, its consumption, mainly in roasted or fried form, is low compared with other agricultural products. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of heat treatments on the physicochemical and nutritional parameters of cashew kernels from three localities in Burkina Faso. Sample collections were carried out randomly from markets in Banfora, Bobo-Dioulasso and Gaoua. Physicochemical and nutritional analyses were carried out using standard methods and statistical analyses by using XLstat 2016 software. The results showed that almonds from Gaoua had the highest nutritional potential, with an average energy value of 554.93 kcal/100g. As for the effect of the treatments on the almonds, water, protein and fat contents decreased during heat treatment, with reduction rates ranging from 64.37% to 74.46% for water content, from 29.09% to 46.50% for protein content and from 1.69% to 13.99% for fat content. Carbohydrate content, on the other hand, increased from 12.25% to 33.76%. Overall, this
  • Almonds,
  • Biochemical Parameters,
  • Heat Treatments,
  • Variation
Publication Date
Winter October 17, 2023
Citation Information
JUDITH NOMWENDE SEMPORE, Edwige Bahanla OBOULBIGA, Laurencia Toulsoumde Songre-Ouattara, Windmi Kagambega, et al.. "Effect of Heat Treatment on The Nutritional characteristics of Cashew Kernels (Anacardium Occidentale L.) from three Localities in Burkina Faso" Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science (2023) p. 1 - 10 ISSN: 2347-467X, Vol. 11, No. (3) 2023, Pg.
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