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Relationship of Couple Mother-Newborn in Burkina Faso: Underweight at Birth Risk Factors Case
Acta Scientific NUTRITIONAL HEALTH (2023)
  • Ousmane OUÉDRAOGO
  • Ella Wendinpuikondo Raketa COMPAORÉ
  • Francis Bruno ZOTOR
  • Mamoudou H. DICKO, Prof.
 According to the summary statistics, the average weight at the first prenatal consultation, the average height, age and MUAC of the mothers were 56.3 ± 7.7 kg, 162 ± 5.7 cm, 26.2 ± 6.2 years, 253 ± 18.6 mm respectively. With respect to newborns, the aver­age birth weight was 2.9 kg. The average head circumference was 32.6 cm and of these newborns, 20% suffered from microcephaly and 11.1% suffered from underweight at birth. The underweight at birth affected more females (14.2%) than males (8.0%) with a significant difference of P = 0.001. Teenagers’ mothers, whose weight were 40 Kg and were 1.5 metres in height were more at risk to have underweight babies at birth.
  • Underweight at Birth,
  • Malnutrition,
  • Pregnancy,
  • Newborns,
  • Burkina Faso
Publication Date
Spring November 11, 2023
Citation Information
Ousmane OUÉDRAOGO, Ella Wendinpuikondo Raketa COMPAORÉ, Francis Bruno ZOTOR and Mamoudou H. DICKO. "Relationship of Couple Mother-Newborn in Burkina Faso: Underweight at Birth Risk Factors Case" Acta Scientific NUTRITIONAL HEALTH Vol. 7 (2023) p. 1 - 30-37 ISSN: 25821423
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