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Physicochemical Properties of Oil of Polygala multiflora Poir. Grown in Burkina Faso
Journal of Food Research (2024)
  • Hortense Noumpao Rachelle Bougoussaré
  • Marius K. SOMDA
  • Hemayoro SAMA
  • Yerobessor DABIRE
  • Mogmenga Iliassou
  • Mamoudou H. DICKO, Prof.
Polygala multiflora is an important source of oil that needs to be valorized. This study aimed to investigate the potential of P. multiflora as an oleaginous plant. The physical and chemical properties of oil extracted from P. multiflora seeds were analyzed according to standard methods. The main physical parameters were yield of oil (43.25 ± 2.3%), relative density (0.912 ± 0.031), melting point (2.42±0.6°C), and refraction index (1.45±0.02), yellow light color. Chemical characteristics were: free fatty acids (1.97±0.2 % ac. Oleic), acidity index (6.93±0.14 mg KOH/g), saponification index (186.3±9.31mg KOH/g), iodine index (40.37±0.5 gI2/100g), and peroxide index (1.58±0.05 Meq O2/kg). Overall, P. multiflora seed oil has shown properties in line with standards for food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical use.
Publication Date
Winter February 11, 2024
Citation Information
Hortense Noumpao Rachelle Bougoussaré, Marius K. SOMDA, Hemayoro SAMA, Yerobessor DABIRE, et al.. "Physicochemical Properties of Oil of Polygala multiflora Poir. Grown in Burkina Faso" Journal of Food Research Vol. 13 (2024) p. 53 - 61 ISSN: 1927-0895, 1927-0887
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