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The changing nature of the roles of support staff
Working with Teaching Assistants and Other Support Staff for Inclusive Education (2015)
  • Associate Professor Dianne J Chambers, The University of Notre Dame Australia
Increasing numbers of support staff are employed in schools to provide
services for students identified as requiring extra support. The roles of
these staff have changed as a result of a variety of factors, foremost the
increased inclusion of students with disabilities in mainstream settings.
Compounding this increase is a re-evaluation of roles of staff in schools,
shortages of qualified special education teachers, an increasing requirement
of teachers to complete large quantities of administrative tasks,
including paperwork (Lee, 2003), and the use of support staff, particularly
teacher assistants (TAs) to relieve some of the work of teachers
(Webster et al., 2010). This chapter will examine these factors and
explore the resulting changes in roles and considerations for teachers
when working with support staff.
Publication Date
Dianne Chambers
Citation Information
Chambers, D. (2015). The changing nature of the roles of support staff. In D. Chambers (ed), Working with Teaching Assistants and Other Support Staff for Inclusive Education. Emerald: Online, 3-25. DOI: 10.1108/S1479-363620150000004001