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About Diane R. Follingstad

In July 2008, Diane R. Follingstad, Ph.D. became the inaugural Women’s Circle Endowed Chair in the Center for Research on Violence Against Women and a Professor of Clinical and Forensic Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine at the University of Kentucky.
Dr. Follingstad’s research in the area of intimate partner violence has covered issues related to battered women, physical dating violence, and factors impacting jury verdicts in cases where battered women killed a partner. Most recently, her research efforts have led to more sophisticated measurement of psychological aggression and abuse, and she has published a critique regarding the problems of measurement in this field. She has established a measure of psychological abuse normed on a nationally representative sample and has used this measure to delineate the nature and prevalence, reciprocity, and gender differences of psychological abuse.
Dr. Follingstad is currently investigating potential mediating factors that explain why some women develop prescription drug problems after exposure to psychological maltreatment. And, continuing her forensic interests in the area of intimate partner violence, she is developing innovative approaches to study the less conscious influences that impact prosecutors’, law enforcement officers’, and grand jury members’ decisions to prosecute battered women who have killed their abusers.


Present Executive Director, University of Kentucky Center for Research on Violence Against Women
Present Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Present Professor, Joint Appointment, Department of Psychology, University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Present Women’s Circle Endowed Chair, University of Kentucky Center for Research on Violence Against Women

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Honors and Awards

  • Linda Saltzman Memorial Intimate Partner Violence Researcher Award – 2012 Award by the Institute on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma
  • Distinguished Contributions in Forensic Psychology, 2009 Award by the American Association of Forensic Psychology (American Board of Forensic Psychology)
  • Fellow, Division 41, American Psychological Association

Contact Information

108 Bowman Hall
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0059
Phone: (859) 323-5281


Contributions to Books and Reference Works (8)

Books (1)

Book Reviews (1)

Presentations (2)

Media Appearances (5)