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Transitioning to reality: Strategies for easing the role transformation of graduate nurses
Journal for nurses in staff development (2008)
  • M E Young
  • D Stuenkel, San Jose State University
  • K Bawel-Brinkley, San Jose State University

Newly graduated nurses' role conception and role discrepancy changes that occurred during a 6-week newly graduated nurse hospital orientation program were explored. Newly graduated nurses' perceptions of ideal and actual nursing behaviors within three nursing role conceptions (professional, service, and bureaucratic) were identified. The difference between ideal and actual role conception scores was calculated (role discrepancy). Findings suggested that a comprehensive, structured hospital orientation program for newly graduated nurses eased the transition from nursing student to practicing nurse by decreasing role discrepancy.

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Citation Information
M E Young, D Stuenkel and K Bawel-Brinkley. "Transitioning to reality: Strategies for easing the role transformation of graduate nurses" Journal for nurses in staff development Vol. 24 Iss. 3 (2008)
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