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Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy Imaging of Microtubule Arrays in Intact Arabidopsis thaliana Seedling
Scientific Reports
  • Bin Dong, Iowa State University
  • Xiaochen Yang, Iowa State University
  • Shaobin Zhu, Iowa State University
  • Diane C. Bassham, Iowa State University
  • Ning Fang, Georgia State University
Document Type
Publication Version
Published Version
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Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy has generated tremendous success in revealing detailed subcellular structures in animal cells. However, its application to plant cell biology remains extremely limited due to numerous technical challenges, including the generally high fluorescence background of plant cells and the presence of the cell wall. In the current study, stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) imaging of intact Arabidopsis thaliana seedling roots with a spatial resolution of 20–40 nm was demonstrated. Using the super-resolution images, the spatial organization of cortical microtubules in different parts of a whole Arabidopsis root tip was analyzed quantitatively, and the results show the dramatic differences in the density and spatial organization of cortical microtubules in cells of different differentiation stages or types. The method developed can be applied to plant cell biological processes, including imaging of additional elements of the cytoskeleton, organelle substructure, and membrane domains.


This article is published as Dong, Bin, Xiaochen Yang, Shaobin Zhu, Diane C. Bassham, and Ning Fang. "Stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy imaging of microtubule arrays in intact Arabidopsis thaliana seedling roots." Scientific reports 5 (2015): 15694. doi: 10.1038/srep15694.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Copyright Owner
Springer Nature Publishing AG
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Citation Information
Bin Dong, Xiaochen Yang, Shaobin Zhu, Diane C. Bassham, et al.. "Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy Imaging of Microtubule Arrays in Intact Arabidopsis thaliana Seedling" Scientific Reports Vol. 5 (2015) p. 15694
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