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Development and Pilot Testing of an International Knowledge Assessment of Prosthetic Management for Patients Using Lower-Limb Prostheses
Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics
  • Adam Goodworth, University of Hartford
  • Diana Veneri, Sacred Heart University
  • John Burger, New England Orthotics and Prosthetics
  • Daniel J. Lee, University of Hartford
Document Type
Peer-Reviewed Article
Publication Date
Physical Therapy

Introduction: Individuals using a lower-limb prosthesis need knowledge about many aspects of management to maximize use and comfort and minimize secondary complications. Knowledge assessments are used in other health fields, yet no assessment has been published in prosthetics. Therefore, a knowledge assessment was developed for international use and pilot tested in the United States and East Africa.

Materials and Methods: The assessment contained 36 questions and was written at a 4.7-grade reading level. Content was based on professional input and literature. The assessment was pilot tested with 16 prosthetic users in the United States, 19 prosthetic users in East Africa, and 24 nonprosthetic users in the United States. Assessment scores were analyzed across questions, between prosthetic users and nonprosthetic users, and correlated with patient demographics.

Results: We found the assessment was understandable among all subject groups. United States prosthesis users scored higher than nonprosthesis users. Prosthetic experience was positively correlated with assessment scores in the United States and negatively correlated with assessment scores in East Africa.

Conclusions: Clinicians can use this knowledge assessment to identify gaps or misunderstanding and track progress in comprehension with their patients. Clinicians can adapt questions to their local context, individual needs and componentry, and time constraints.

Citation Information

Goodworth, A., Veneri, D., Burger, J., & Lee, D.J. (2017). Development and pilot testing of an international knowledge assessment of prosthetic management for patients using lower-limb prostheses. Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics, 29(1): 28–34. doi: 10.1097/JPO.0000000000000117