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Projections from auditory cortex contact ascending pathways that originate in the superior olive and inferior colliculus
Hearing Research (2007)
  • Diana Coomes Peterson, Northeast Ohio Medical University
  • Brett R. Schofield, Northeast Ohio Medical University
The superior olivary complex (SOC) and inferior colliculus (IC) are targets of cortical projections as well as sources of major ascending auditory pathways. This study examines whether the cortical projections contact cells in the SOC or IC that project to higher levels. First, we placed an anterograde tracer into the auditory cortex to label cortico-olivary axons and a retrograde tracer into the IC to label olivocollicular cells in guinea pigs. Cortical axons contacted many labeled cells in the ipsilateral SOC and fewer labeled cells in the contralateral SOC. Contacted cells projected to the ipsilateral or contralateral IC.

In a second experiment, we labeled corticocollicular axons with an anterograde tracer and injected retrograde tracers into the medial geniculate (MG) to label colliculogeniculate cells. In the IC ipsilateral to the cortical injection, many cortical axons contacted colliculogeniculate cells in the dorsal cortex and external cortex of the IC. The contacted cells projected to the ipsilateral MG or, less often, to the contralateral MG.

The results indicate that cortical projections are likely to contact cells in the SOC and IC that project to higher centers. This suggests that auditory cortex can modulate the ascending auditory pathways at multiple levels of the brainstem.
  • Medial geniculate,
  • Corticofugal,
  • Feedback loops,
  • Efferent system,
  • Descending pathways
Publication Date
October 1, 2007
Citation Information
Diana Coomes Peterson and Brett R. Schofield. "Projections from auditory cortex contact ascending pathways that originate in the superior olive and inferior colliculus" Hearing Research Vol. 232 Iss. 1 (2007) p. 67 - 77
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