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Testimony before the US-China Economic Security Review Commission: China's Agriculture Policy and US Access to China's Market
CARD Working Papers
  • Dermot J. Hayes, Iowa State University
Publication Date
Series Number
13-WP 537

Testimony before the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission on April 25, 2013, by Dermot Hayes, professor of Economics and Finance, Iowa State University. Testimony covers impacts on food demand from China's rising incomes and urbanization; the viability of China's attempt to remain self-sufficient in meat and key staple crop production under inherent supply constraints, and the possible technological- and policy-based measures they may pursue in regard of such constraints; and, the main challenges to US-China agricultural trade in the short, medium, and long term.

Citation Information
Dermot J. Hayes. "Testimony before the US-China Economic Security Review Commission: China's Agriculture Policy and US Access to China's Market" (2013)
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