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Employer Reactions to Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia: Exploring the Influence of Symptom Severity and Disclosure of Diagnosis During a Simulated Telephone Interview
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
  • Derek D. Isetti, University of the Pacific
  • Carolyn R. Baylor, University of Washington
  • Michael I Burns, University of Washington
  • Tanya L. Eadie, University of Washington
Speech Language Pathology

The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of symptom severity and disclosure of adductor spasmodic dysphonia (ADSD) on the perceptions of human resource personnel members (HRPs) during a simulated phone interview.

One female speaker with ADSD was recorded reading an interview script at two time points: (a) pre-BOTOX injection (severe), and (b) post-BOTOX injection (mild). Thirty-two HRPs evaluated the recording in one of the two conditions via a qualitative structured interview. HRPs gave their recommendations regarding when and how to disclose ADSD.

In the mild condition, no HRP perceived that the applicant had a voice disorder. Disclosure was not recommended as often, as an impairment was not initially noticed. However, 15/16 HRPs commented on the applicant's voice in the severe condition, with most suspecting she was a smoker or had lung/throat cancer. Disclosure in the severe condition was recommended more often, as it clarified symptoms that were noted at the outset.

Symptom severity in ADSD influences employer perceptions during the phone interview process. Incorrect assumptions may be made about applicants with severe symptoms, and apparentness of symptoms influences whether or not disclosure is recommended. Results have implications for counseling individuals with ADSD who are navigating the job interview process.

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Citation Information
Derek D. Isetti, Carolyn R. Baylor, Michael I Burns and Tanya L. Eadie. "Employer Reactions to Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia: Exploring the Influence of Symptom Severity and Disclosure of Diagnosis During a Simulated Telephone Interview" American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology Vol. 26 Iss. 2 (2017) p. 469 - 482 ISSN: 1058-0360
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