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Community-level COVID-19 Homelessness Planning & Response Dashboard
  • Thomas Byrne, Boston University
  • Randall Kuhn, University of California Los Angeles
  • Dan Treglia, University of Pennsylvania
  • Kenneth Steif, University of Pennsylvania
  • Dennis P Culhane, University of Pennsylvania
This on-line tool enables communities (Continuums of Care, or CoCs) to model different homelessness-related bed capacity scenarios related to COVID-19 exposure and risk status. Users can customize their planning scenarios by varying infection rates, high risk population rates, unsheltered PIT count coverage rates, and view impact on demand for hospitalization and ICU beds, as well as emergency accommodation demand for high and low risk populations without infection.
  • homelessness,
Publication Date
April 2, 2020
Citation Information
Thomas Byrne, Randall Kuhn, Dan Treglia, Kenneth Steif, et al.. "Community-level COVID-19 Homelessness Planning & Response Dashboard" (2020)
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