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Final Report: A Review of Year Two of Los Angeles County's Homeless Initiative
  • Halil Toros, Public Sector Analytics
  • Stephen Metraux, University of Delaw
  • Dennis P Culhane, University of Pennsylvania
In February 2016, the LA County Board of Supervisors formally approved a comprehensive set of strategies, administered under the County’s Chief Executive Office (CEO), that provide the framework for LA County’s Homeless Initiative (HI). The HI strategies are the product of a collaborative planning process that involved the participation of multiple County departments, cities and community organizations.
The core of the initiative is 51 strategies that create or expand a range of client-centered services and are structured to produce measurable outcomes. These strategies are grouped into six focus areas seeking to do the following:

➢ Prevent Homelessness;
➢ Subsidize Housing;
➢ Increase Income;
➢ Provide Case Management and Services;
➢ Create a Coordinated Entry System; and
➢ Increase Affordable/Homeless Housing.

In approving the HI’s approach to combatting the County’s homeless crisis, the Board of Supervisors directed the Office of the HI to prepare an evaluation plan for annual assessments of the effectiveness of the strategies. An evaluation framework submitted in September 2016 contains three levels of analysis: (i) a set of three over-arching, macro-level system outcome measures; (ii) a set of eight meso-level headline measures; and (iii) specific micro-level outcome metrics for each of the 51 strategies.

The Year One Report, published in July 2018, presents outcomes for five HI strategies, four meso-level measures, and all three macro-level measures. The results cover the time period from July 2016 through June 2017 (Fiscal Year [FY] 2016-17 for Los Angeles County).

This document presents findings derived from the assessment of the Year Two (July 2017 through June 2018) data on outcomes and measures of selected HI strategies. The Year Two analysis includes all three macro measures, four of eight meso measures and micro measures for 30 HI strategies.

The strategies included in the Year Two evaluation reflect the data available at the time we conducted our analyses, given that some of the HI strategies were in the process of implementation during some or all of FY 2017-18.
  • homelessness,
  • Los Angeles
Publication Date
March, 2019
Citation Information
Halil Toros, Stephen Metraux and Dennis P Culhane. "Final Report: A Review of Year Two of Los Angeles County's Homeless Initiative" (2019)
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