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Follicular Lymphoma Can Be Distinguished from Benign Follicular Hyperplasia by Flow Cytometry (FCM) using simultaneous Staining of Cytoplasmic bcl-2 and Cell Surface CD20
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
  • Dennis B Cornfield, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Debra M Mitchell, MD
  • Nidal M Almasri, MD
  • John B Anderson, MT
  • Kim P Ahrens, BS
  • Elaine O Dooley, MT
  • Raul C Braylan, MD
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Cornfield D, Mitchell D, Almasri N, Anderson J, Ahrens K, Dooley E, Braylan R. (1999, December). Follicular Lymphoma Can Be Distinguished from Benign Follicular Hyperplasia by Flow Cytometry (FCM) using simultaneous Staining of Cytoplasmic bcl-2 and Cell Surface CD20. Poster presented at: 41st Annual meeting, American Soc Hematol, New Orleans, LA.