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Translocation (X;20)(q13.1;q13.3) as a Primary Chromosomal Finding in Two Patients with Myelocytic Disorders.
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics
  • Brian A Gray
  • Dennis B Cornfield, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Angela Bent-Williams
  • Robert T Zori
Publication/Presentation Date

Reports of X chromosome translocations, as primary chromosomal changes associated with hematologic disorders, remain relatively uncommon. Herein, we report the detection, by conventional cytogenetic methods, of a cytogenetically identical t(X;20) in two different patients with hematologic disorders (probable myelodysplasia and polycythemia vera/acute myelocytic leukemia). In both cases, this translocation appeared as the primary clonal chromosome abnormality, with breakpoints occurring in the long arms of both the X chromosome and chromosome 20 (Xq13.1 and 20q13.3, respectively). Further characterization and comparison of the translocation chromosome products of these two cases by use of fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques is also described. Similar previously reported cytogenetically cases and the potential that this specific rearrangement may represent a nonrandom chromosomal finding are discussed.

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Citation Information

Gray, B. A., Cornfield, D., Bent-Williams, A., & Zori, R. T. (2003). Translocation (X;20)(q13.1;q13.3) as a primary chromosomal finding in two patients with myelocytic disorders. Cancer Genetics And Cytogenetics, 141(2), 169-174.