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About Dennis J. Baumgardner, MD

Interests include Research, Obstetrics, and Infectious Disease. Dr. Baumgardner completed his medical training at the University of Illinois and the Rockford (IL) Family Practice Residency Program. He joined the Aurora St. Luke's faculty in 1988. Dr. Baumgardner has received the Teacher of the Year Award from St. Luke's residents six times. He received the Wisconsin Academy of Family Practice 1993 Educator of the Year Award, the Pickles Research Award from the Wisconsin Research Network in 2001, the UW Statewide Department of Family Medicine Faculty Excellence Award for Leadership in 2004, the Governor's Certificate of Commendation Award for contributions to primary care research in Wisconsin in 2010, the Research Champion Award from Aurora Health Care in 2011, and the Innovation Scholar Award from Wisconsin Medical Entrepreneurship Foundation and Aurora Health Care in 2012.  Many residents have been inspired by Dr. Baumgardner to become involved in research projects. He considers research his hobby (it takes all kinds!) along with outdoor activities and spending time with his wife, seven children and nine grandchildren.


Medical Director, Research, Aurora UW Medical Group and Associate Director, Center for Urban Population Health, Clinical Adjunct Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health, UWSMPH, Advocate Health - Midwest

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