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Milwaukee Health Report 2013: Health Disparities in Milwaukee by Socioeconomic Status
Population Health and Public Health
  • Danielle M Greer, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Dennis J Baumgardner, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Farrin D Bridgewater
  • David A Frazer, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Courtenay L Kessler, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Erica S LeCounte
  • Geoffrey R Swain
  • Ron A Cisler, Center for Urban Population Health
Publication Date

The Milwaukee Health Report 2013 is based upon the population health framework and the foundational work of the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute's Wisconsin County Health Rankings. In that framework, health outcomes are considered the result of a set of health determinants (e.g., healthcare access and quality, health behaviors, physical environment, and socioeconomic determinants such as income and education). Thus, the distribution of health outcomes and health disparities result from differences in the distribution of the determinants in the population.

The Milwaukee Health Report 2013 provides information regarding health disparities among the SES groups within the city, and offers comparisons of health outcomes and health determinants between the City of Milwaukee, the State of Wisconsin and the United States.

The goal of this report is to provide policy makers and community organizations with meaningful information that can be used in addressing Milwaukee’s health issues.

Document Type
Citation Information
Greer DM, Baumgardner DJ, Bridgewater FD, Frazer DA, Kessler CL, LeCounte ES, Swain GR, Cisler RA. Milwaukee Health Report 2013: Health Disparities in Milwaukee by Socioeconomic Status. Center for Urban Population Health : Milwaukee, WI. 2013.