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Self-Assessment of Oral Communication Presentations in Food Science and Nutrition
Journal of Food Science Education
  • Cheryl A. Reitmeier, Iowa State University
  • Denise A. Vrchota, Iowa State University
Document Type
Publication Version
Accepted Manuscript
Publication Date

Self-assessment allows learners to observe, analyze, and evaluate their own performances. Self-reflection allows the student to assess his or her communication skill level and progress against a standard. Additionally, the implementation of self-assessment through carefully prepared classroom experiences enables learners to manage their own learning and encourages the habit of lifelong learning. The objective of this study was to compare self-evaluation formats for assessment of an oral communication activity. Senior students in 2 sections of a 1-credit seminar course were videotaped while presenting 30-min oral presentations to the class. Students viewed their presentations and assessed theirwork using either a scoring rubric or a reflection assignment. Peer and instructor evaluations were also completed. Average scores by students and instructor were similar for rubric and reflection assessment methods. Oral evaluation scores by peer assessment were higher than by self- and instructor-assessment. Studentswere able to accurately describe the strengths and weaknesses of their presentations; however, comments from the reflection format were more thoughtful and provided more personal information in comparison to the scoring rubric. This study demonstrated the importance of reflective material such as student thoughts and feelings. Skills in reflective self-evaluation and documentation of their progress in oral communicationwill help students position themselves to develop their own academic and professional goals, provide feedback to instructors, and compile a record for future employers.


This is the accepted version of the following article: Journal of Food Science Education vol. 8 iss. 4, 88‐92, 2009, which has been published in final form at‐4329.2009.00080.x.

Copyright Owner
Institute of Food Technologists
File Format
Citation Information
Cheryl A. Reitmeier and Denise A. Vrchota. "Self-Assessment of Oral Communication Presentations in Food Science and Nutrition" Journal of Food Science Education Vol. 85 Iss. 4 (2009) p. 88 - 92
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