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An Investigation of Gold Open Access Publications of STEM Faculty at a Public University in the United States
Science & Technology Libraries (2023)
  • Denise Brush, Rowan University
  • Daniel G. Kipnis, Rowan University
This study investigated Gold Open Access journal publication by science
and engineering faculty at the authors’ university from 2013 to 2022.
Specifically, did Gold Open Access (OA) by these faculty increase, and did
the publication rate vary between disciplines? The authors found that
Gold OA publication increased by 176% over the past 10 years, and that
an important factor was the Libraries’ creation of an Open Access
Publishing Fund in 2017. Disciplinary differences in publication rates
were also notable, with life sciences research showing the highest rates
of open access publication. An analysis of where our faculty are publishing
found that MDPI is the most popular Open Access publisher in STEM
fields, but many of the new Gold Open Access journals from traditional
STEM publishers are also being chosen.
  • Gold Open Access,
  • Open Access Publishing Fund,
  • Engineering faculty,
  • Science Faculty,
  • STEM publishers
Publication Date
February 27, 2023
Citation Information
Denise Brush and Daniel G. Kipnis. "An Investigation of Gold Open Access Publications of STEM Faculty at a Public University in the United States" Science & Technology Libraries (2023)
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