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Framing Teacher Resistance in a Context of Compliance
American Educational Research Association (2009)
  • Lucinda Pease-Alvarez, University of California, Santa Cruz
  • Dena Sexton, University of California, Santa Cruz
  • Alisun Thompson, University of California, Santa Cruz
This presentation expands upon empirical and conceptual discussions of teacher resistance by articulating a multifaceted framework for analyzing the various ways teachers who work in schools serving low-income students are currently resisting externally imposed policies. Drawing on a view of teachersÂ’ responses to top-down policy initiatives as mediated within the network of contexts, experiences, and relationships that constitute their professional and personal lives, this framework captures various dimensions of teacher resistance, including its manifestations, authors, audience, and impacts. Presenters will utilize this framework to describe cases of teacher resistance that have been the focus of their research. In addition, they will highlight key themes about the nature of teacher resistance in the current policy context that emanate from their analysis.
Publication Date
April 13, 2009
San Diego, CA
Citation Information
Lucinda Pease-Alvarez, Dena Sexton and Alisun Thompson. "Framing Teacher Resistance in a Context of Compliance" American Educational Research Association (2009)
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