Cynicism or Apathy?: Defining Political Norms Influencing the Campus Climate
Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice
This study focuses on the role of interpersonal experiences within students’ political identity development. Based on interviews with 22 undergraduate student leaders from two small liberal arts colleges in different regions of the country, the study reveals the role of the interpersonal dimensions of campus climate on students’ willingness or ability to be politically engaged. The article concludes with recommendations on how educators can work to understand campus political norms.
Publication Date
October 8, 2019
Citation Information
Sydney Marie Simone Curtis, Gabrielle M. Bacha and Demetri L. Morgan. "Cynicism or Apathy?: Defining Political Norms Influencing the Campus Climate" Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice Vol. 56 Iss. 5 (2019) p. 492 - 505 Available at: http://works.bepress.com/demetrilmorgan/33/