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How an American BSE Crisis Has Affected the Value of Traceability and Country of Origin Certifications in the U.S. Beef Industry?
Economics Research Institute Study Paper
  • Ruby A. Ward, Utah State University
  • DeeVon Bailey, Utah State University
  • Robert K. Jensen, Utah State University
Document Type
Utah State University Department of Economics
Publication Date
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The announcement on December 23, 2003 that a dairy cow in the state of Washington was diagnosed as having ESE sent shock waves through the US beef industry. This research uses auction experiments to determine the pre- and post-ESE effects of traceability and countryof- origin information on US consumer willingness to accept US and Canadian beef. The findings indicate that ESE has likely damaged US consumer demand for Canadian beef more than it has for US beef. The findings also indicate that most participants in the auction experiments would support the implementation of a mandatory animal identification program in the United States.

Citation Information
Ruby A. Ward, DeeVon Bailey and Robert K. Jensen. "How an American BSE Crisis Has Affected the Value of Traceability and Country of Origin Certifications in the U.S. Beef Industry?" Economics Research Institute Study Paper Vol. 6 (2004) p. 1 - 28
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