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Predictors of Engagement in Postpartum Weight Self-management Behaviours in the First 12 Weeks After Birth
Journal of Advanced Nursing
  • Jennifer Ohlendorf, Marquette University
  • Marianne E. Weiss, Marquette University
  • Debra Oswald, Marquette University
Document Type
Format of Original
14 p.
Publication Date
Original Item ID
doi: 10.1111/jan.12640


To explore factors that influence postpartum weight self-management behaviours. Transitions Theory and the Integrated Theory of Health Behaviour Change guided selection of variables. Transition conditions, level of patient activation and social facilitation were examined for association with postpartum weight self-management behaviours. Background

Retention of pregnancy weight increases risk of overweight and obesity later in life. Little is known about what women do to self-manage return to pre-pregnant weight and how providers can influence their behaviours. Design

Prospective, longitudinal, correlational. Methods

Data collection occurred from March through October, 2013. One hundred and twenty-four women completed surveys during postpartum hospitalization; telephone interviews were completed by 91 women at 6 weeks and 66 women at 12 weeks. Standard and hierarchical multiple regression methods were used for analyses. Results

Transition difficulty was negatively associated with patient activation and immediate postbirth patient activation was positively associated with eating behaviours at 6 weeks, eating behaviours at 12 weeks and physical activity at 12 weeks. Social support and social influence were not significant predictors in the regression models. Conclusion

Patients experiencing a difficult postpartum transition have lower activation levels; those less activated are less probably to engage in weight self-management behaviours in the 12 weeks following their baby's birth. Patient activation level should be considered in tailoring promotion of healthy postpartum weight management.


Accepted version. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol. 71, No. 8 (August 2015): 1833-1846. DOI. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Used with permission.

This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: "Predictors of Engagement in Postpartum Weight Self-management Behaviours in the First 12 Weeks After Birth." Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol. 71, No. 8 (August 2015): 1833-1846, which has been published in final form at DOI. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance With Wiley Terms and Conditions for self-archiving'.

Citation Information
Jennifer Ohlendorf, Marianne E. Weiss and Debra Oswald. "Predictors of Engagement in Postpartum Weight Self-management Behaviours in the First 12 Weeks After Birth" Journal of Advanced Nursing (2015) ISSN: 0309-2402
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