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Out of the closet and into the therapy room: Therapist self-disclosure of sexual identity.
Guidance and Counselling (2006)
  • Deborah Coolhart, Syracuse University
Little attention has been given in the literature to the unique issues that queer therapists who work with heterosexual and queer clients face. Of particular interest is whether, how, when, and why queer therapists self-disclose their sexual identities, or come out, to clients. This article reviews stage models of sexual identity development and the literature on therapist self-disclosure. Considerations for making decisions about coming out to clients and the implications for working with heterosexual as well as queer clients are discussed. Case examples are used to illustrate the author's clinical experiences.
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Citation Information
Deborah Coolhart. "Out of the closet and into the therapy room: Therapist self-disclosure of sexual identity." Guidance and Counselling Vol. 21 Iss. 1 (2006)
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