Information Literacy Outreach in a Fake News World
Michigan Academic Libraries Association (MiALA) Annual Conference
In a “post-truth” society how do we sustain an informed citizenry, the underpinning of our democracy? What news is “fake” and which facts are “alternative”? Crucially, how do we educate students to evaluate the information they encounter in a variety of contexts and disciplines? How can librarians take the lead in teaching that "authority is constructed and contextual"? This session offers some ideas culled from outreach and contact opportunities around campus during the last year [2017].
- information literacy,
- outreach,
- fake news,
- ACRL Framework
Publication Date
May 17, 2018
Kellogg Conference Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing MI
Citation Information
Debbie Morrow. "Information Literacy Outreach in a Fake News World" Michigan Academic Libraries Association (MiALA) Annual Conference (2018) Available at:
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