60GHz CMOS Transmitter Front-End With Built-In Temperature Sensor
2014 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference
Publication Date
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
A 60 GHz transmitter front-end with built-in temperature sensor is designed and measured using 90nm digital CMOS process. This transmitter front-end integrated into a transceiver delivers the best performance of +11dBm saturated output power with more than 13dB conversion gain using digital CMOS process at 63 GHz. The built-in temperature sensor achieves a resolution better than 5°C in the temperature ranges of −10°C to +90°C.
Citation Information
Debasis Dawn. "60GHz CMOS Transmitter Front-End With Built-In Temperature Sensor" 2014 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (2014) p. 235 - 237 Available at: